Saturday, August 30, 2008

15 Month Check-Up

We went to the doctor's office yesterday for Ben's 15 month check-up. Ben absolutely loves his doctor and all of the nurses. I really like Ben's doctor too. He does so well with Ben and he doesn't make us feel silly for stupid questions. Which as a parent I don't like to admit I ask, but we all know we can get paranoid about things with our bundles of joy for no reason sometimes.

But anyway, the appointment went really well. Ben, who used to be in the 90th percentile for anything is now just an average joe. Which I am not sure I believe that in terms of height because he is much taller than a lot of children his age. Ben is now 25 pound 14 ounces and is 31 inches long. He has really leveled off in terms of weight, only gaining about a pound since his last appointment three months ago. He only got one shot, which did not phase him at all. He looked at the nurse like he knew she was doing something to him, but didn't realize what. He smiled the whole time.

The doctor said he is doing well and that it sounds like he is communicating pretty well. The next check-up they do the communication check where if they feel like a child is lagging developmentally, they are referred to a speech therapist to evaluate them. So that is nervewracking, but what can you do?

So there is the update on the little man. We will post some new pictures eventually. So bye bye for now! :)


Unknown said...

I just had to laugh when i read Ben's height and weight measurements. To give you an idea of how skinny Belle is, at her 2-year check up two months ago, she was 27 lbs, but 36 inches tall! So a tall skinny minny compared to your boy! I'm glad you like your Dr. That is so important to be able to ask the dumb questions, and not feel dumb! I